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Run Leading and Coaching

Unfortunately, UK Athletics is not running coaching courses at the moment due to social distancing rules, but once they are will be very keen to get more volunteer coaches.

Coaching is a great way to increase confidence and develop a rounded skillset, both within athletics and away from sport, whilst at the same time giving back to the club. We're keen to promote as much volunteer coaching as possible.

Our aims as a club are:


Coaching in the club is organized as follows:

How to help with Beginners

How to help with Thursday Coaching


If you would like to qualify as a Leader in Running Fitness (this just requires a one day course) then the club will normally pay your fees. Contact coaching@chaser.me.uk if you are interested in doing this. Qualifying as a leader in running fitness means that anyone you take out on a run is insured, so it is good for us to have qualified run leaders. It is particularly useful if you want to help out with the beginners or Thursday sessions, but by no means essential.

If you wish to take things further and qualify as a Coach in Running Fitness, the club will usually be happy to pay for your training. Just let the committee know why you want to qualify as a coach and what you plan to do with your knowledge once you have qualified.

To find out when run leading and coaching courses are available visit the England Athletics Website.