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Nikolas Stephan added an event to the calendar.


Mornington Chasers Regent's Park 10k marshalling

Date: Sun 4 February 2024
Time: 08:00

Volunteer to marshal the Regent's Park 10k on the 4th of February. In addition to it helping the club raise money it's a great way to meet other club members. Marshalling duties range from handing out race numbers to handling the bag drop or standing along the course to ensure people don't get lost.

Tilly Franklin I’m happy to pace the 60 mins if needed?
Emily Kenworthy Hello, I was wondering if could cancel my volunteering and run instead if possible. 
Nikolas Stephan No problem. I have removed you from the list
Alexandra Hearne Hello, so sorry but would it be possible to swap my marshalling for pacing? Happy to pace 50 minutes if you need. 
Alexandra Hearne (or 55 minutes/whatever you need)